Malaysia Winter Camp 2020
Our 2020 English Winter Camp is underway at Leaders Academy. We have just finished our third week and have truly enjoyed getting to know our students.
We have had plenty of time learning English through a variety of methods. Involving both classroom teaching and project work. Completing comic books and having conversations.
The Winter Camp students really enjoy the learning techniques we use as it has a good balance between fun and real learning. They are more likely to learn and retain information when they are enjoying themselves.
The comic book creations have been one of our most successful and exciting projects we do with the students. It allows them to practice their language skills, work in groups, and showcase their creativity.
We love seeing the progress and development of the skills the students learn throughout the camp. This is one of the most satisfying feelings knowing we helped a student progress their English Language Skills.
We will continue to update this page throughout the camp as we invite new students nearly every week. As well, if your student is attending our camp and enjoying it, don’t forget to register for our 2020 Summer Camp.