Homework Tuition Program

The Homework Tuition Program at Leaders Academy offers guided individualized support for the needs of your child. This is a program that assists your child in their homework needs. Wheter it be help in Math, Science, English etc.

Guided support means that we will help students achieve a better understanding of the work. We will not do the homework for them! Our goal is always to give your child the skills they need to understand and complete their studies on their own.

Individualized Program

This program will vary from student to student depending on their grade level, what they are studying and their comprehension of the homework assignments

Variety of Teachers

We have a variety of teachers that all have different backgrounds of expertise. We have dedicated Math/Science Teachers, and even Native English Speakers for English learning


In some cases the student may not have understood the instruction given to complete the homework. In these rare cases, we can assist in trying to help the student understand the learned concept through a different method

Guided Support

We will guide students through their homework assignment and assist them to understand the outcome of the assignment. We will not do the work for them as most of the time they already know the answers


Assisting the student and helping them to understand the task or homework objectives can help boost their confidence and understanding of a subjet

For more information, or to enroll in the Homework Program feel free to contact us today!

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